作者:聚创浙大考研网-小厦老师 点击量:738 2013-10-07
2011年9月——2013年7月,在美国 Brookhaven National Lab(布鲁克海文国家实验室)访问。
1.高新材料(纳米材料,铁基超导材料等)的结构分析( 采用Atomic Pair Distribution Function 方法分析材料的结构);
3.磁共振波谱学(NMR & EPR)及其在材料、生物等方面的应用等。
1.纳米晶合成及应用 2009
2.多肽药物的合成及分析 20071231
3.多肽药物的合成及分析 企事业单位委托科技项目 2008-10-30
4.新型抗肿瘤药物-喹诺酮配合物的结构\抗肿瘤活性研究 20071114
5.新型抗肿瘤药物-喹诺酮配合物的结构与抗肿瘤活性研究 浙江省卫生厅 20071231
6.喹诺酮配合物与生物分子相互作用 20060630
7.喹诺酮配合物与生物分子相互作用 20060930
8.新型抗肿瘤药物-喹诺酮配合物的结构\抗肿瘤活性研究 其他课题 2007-11-16
9.喹诺酮配合物与生物分子相互作用 企事业单位委托科技项目 2006-06-30
10.多肽药物的合成与分析 20051101
11.新型抗肿瘤药物的合成、结构与活性研究 浙江省教育厅 20051231
12.喹诺酮配合物的合成、结构与活性研究 20050530
13.多肽药物的合成及分析 企事业单位委托科技项目 2005-11-22
14.新型抗肿瘤药物的合成、结构与活性研究 其他课题 2005-12-10
15.喹诺酮配合物的合成结构和活性 企事业单位委托科技项目 2005-05-24
16.国内原油及其馏分的NMR&EPR研究 2001-12-01
Poly[[(N,N-dimethylformamide-O)(3-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato-4N1,O2:O3:O3)copper(II)] monohydrate], Acta Cryst., E 66: M10-U226 , 2010.
Poly[aqua[2-cis-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene-2N:N'](2-5-nitroisophthalato-3O:O',O'')nickel(II)], Acta Cryst., E 66: M80-U866 , 2010.
Predicting blood-brain barrier penetration from molecular weight and number of polar atoms, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 70(2): 462-466, 2008.
Synthesis, Spectral Analysis, Antibacterial and Antitumor Activities of Co(II) and Ni(II) Ofloxacin Complexes, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 28(10): 2388, 2008.
Divalent ytterbium boratabenzene complex (C5H5BNPh2)2Yb(THF)2: Synthesis, structure, and solvent-mediated redox transformation, Organometallics, 27 (15): 4013-4016, 2008.
Interaction between Pazufloxacin and DNA mediated by copper (II) ions, Journal of Fluorescence, 18 ( 3-4) : 701-706, 2008.
Prediction of plasma protein binding of cephalosporins using an artificial neural network, Pharmazie, 62 (2): 157-158 2007.
Synthesis, crystal structure, antibacterial and antitumor activities of a new Cadmium(II)-ciprofloxacin ionic compound, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 21 (9): 1363-1366 SEP 2005
Prediction of human intestinal absorption using an artificial neural network, PHARMAZIE 60 (9): 674-676 SEP 2005
A mathematical model to predict the release of water-soluble drugs from HPMC matrices, PHARMAZIE 59 (9): 706-708 SEP 2004
A predictive model for the release of slightly water-soluble drugs from HPMC matrices, PHARMAZIE 59 (8): 624-626 AUG 2004
Limitation of Potts and Guy's model and a predictive algorithm for skin permeability including the effects of hydrogen-bond on diffusivity, PHARMAZIE 59 (4): 282-285 APR 2004
Prediction of drug release from HPMC matrices: effect of physicochemical properties of drug and polymer concentration, JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 95 (2): 209-216 MAR 5 2004
Predicting blood-brain barrier penetration of drugs using an artificial neural network, PHARMAZIE 59 (2): 126-130 FEB 2004
Synthesis, crystal structure and antitumor activity of mixed ligand coordination compound of copper with norfloxacin and 1,10-phen, [Cu(NFLX)(phen)(H2O)] NO3 center dot 3H(2)O, CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS 14 (11): 1182-1184 NOV 2003
Synthesis, crystal structure, antibacterial and antitumor activities of a new binuclear copper(II) complex with 1,10-phen and fluoroquinolone, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 19 (9): 1001-1005 SEP 2003
Crystal structure of (1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-7-chloro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylato)chloro(2,2 '-bipyridine)copper(II) dihydrate, CuCl(C10H8N2)(C13H8NClFO3)center dot 2H(2)O , ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, 218 (2): 245-246 2003
Influence of drug solubility on the release of slightly water-soluble drugs from HPMC matrices, PHARMAZIE 58 (5): 355-356 MAY 2003
Synthesis, crystal structure, stacking effect and antibacterial studies of a novel quaternary copper (II) complex with quinolone, MOLECULES 8 (2): 287-296 FEB 2003
Synthesis, crystal structure, antibacterial and antitumor activities of a new binuclear copper (II) complex containing fluoroquinolone, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 19 (2): 179-182 FEB 2003
EPR properties of novel quaternary mixed anion complexes of gadolinium (III) , ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 17 (1): 87-90 JAN 2001
ESR spectral studies of a Cu(II) salicylidene tyrosine complex, APPL MAGN RESON 20 (1-2): 289-295 2001
Synthesis and crystal structure of fluoroquinolone complex of copper with two-dimension network , CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 16 (6): 987-990 NOV 2000
Study of photocarrier generation mechanism in bisazo pigments from 1,5-diaminoanthraquinone by electron spin resonance, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (A) 104 (31): 7176-7180 AUG 10 2000
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of A New Copper (II) Complex Containing Fluoroquinolone, Frontiers of Solid State Chemistry, Press of World Scientific Pubishing Co. Ptc.Ltd., 2002, pp327-331.
2.中级化学实验 20050701
3.物理化学学习指导和考研指导 20031101
4.物理化学参考 20030801
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