作者:聚创浙大考研网-小厦老师 点击量:579 2013-10-06
密苏里-罗拉大学(University of Missouri-Rolla)化学系获博士学位并作博士后研究工作(1998-2004)
2004.11-现在 浙江大学化学系物理化学研究所,副教授,硕导。
目前主要从事材料电化学,半导体光电化学和功能材料薄膜与器件的研究。已在J. Phys.Chem.B,Chem. Mater.,Appl. Phys. Lett.,Crystal Growth & Design 等期刊上 发表论文30余篇,论文他引达550余次,最高单篇引用次数达167次。研究工作得到国家973重大科学研究计划,国家自然科学基金,浙江省自然科学基金,教育部博士点新教师基金及留学回国人员基金等资助,在此深表感谢。
Selected Papers (* Corresponding Author):
1.K. L Chen, R. Liu*,H. Wang, Y. F. Zheng, Z. D. Xu, “Room Temperature Electrodeposition of Oriented AgI Crystals”,J. Electrochem. Soc., 2011,158 (4), D200-D204.
2.H. L. Kang, R. Liu*, K. L. Chen, Y. F. Zheng, Z. D. Xu, " Electrodeposition and Optical Properties of Highly Oriented CuI Thin Films",Electrochim.Acta, 2010, 55(27), 8121-8125.
3.H. Li, R. Liu*, Honglang, Kang, Y. F. Zheng and Z. D. Xu “Growth and characterization of Highly Oriented Cubr thin Films Through Room Temperature electrochemical route”, Electrochim. Acta, 2008, 54: 242-246
4.H. Li, R.Liu*, Y. F. Zheng, W.X. Chen and Z. D. Xu “Morphology Control of Electrodeposited Cu2O Crystals in Aqueous Solution using Room Temperature Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids”Crystal Growth &Design, 2006, 6(12): 2795-2798. (Cited 49 times)
5.X. F. Han, R. Liu*,Z. D. Xu, W. X. Chen and Y. F. Zheng, “Room Temperature Deposition of Nanocrystalline Cadmium Peroxide Thin Films by Electrochemical Route”, Electrochem. Commun. 2005, 7 (12), 1195-1198. (Cited 12 times)
6.R.Liu, E.A.Bulp, F.Oba, E.W.Bohannan, F.Ernst, J. A. Switzer,“Epitaxial Electrodeposition of High-Aspect-Ratio Cu2O(110) Nanostructures on InP(111)” Chem.Mater. 2005, 17: 725-729 . (Cited 41 times)
7.R.Liu,F.Oba, E.W.Bohannan, F.Ernst, J.A.Switzer “Shape Control in Epitaxial Electrodeposition: Cu2O Nanocubes on InP(001)”, Chem. Mater. 2003, 15: 4882-4885 (Cited 76 times)
8.R.Liu,F.Oba, E.W.Bohannan, F.Ernst, J.A.Switzer “Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Cu2O Films onto InP(100)”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2003, 83: 1944-1946. (Cited 31 times)
9.J.A.Switzer, R.Liu, E. W. Bohannan, and F. Ernst “Epitaxial Electrodeposition a Crystalline Metal Oxide onto Single-Crystal Silicon”, J. Phys. Chem. B,2002, 106: 12369-12372. (Cited 26 times)
10.R. Liu,A. A. Vertegel, E. W. Bohannan, T. A. Sorenson, and J. A. Switzer, “Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Zinc Oxide Nanopillars on Single-Crystal Gold”, Chem Mater. 2001, 13: 508-512. (Cited 167 times)
Selected Publications (*corresponding author):
1.Wang, H.; Liu, R*.; Liu, LY.; Shi, X.; Xu, Z., Electrodeposition of high aspect ratio LaPO4 and LaPO4:Ln3+ (Ln3+=Ce3+, Tb3+) nanostructures, Electrochemistry Communications ,2012,17, 79-81.
2.Chen, K.; Liu, R*; Wang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, Z., Room Temperature Electrodeposition of Oriented AgI Crystals.Journal of the Electrochemical Society2011, 158, (4), D200-D203.
3.Wang, H.; Liu, R*.; Chen, K.; Shi, X.; Xu, Z., Electrodeposition and characterization of CaF2 and rare earth doped CaF2 films.Thin Solid Films2011, 519, (19), 6438-6442.
4.Kang, H.; Liu, R*; Chen, K.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, Z., Electrodeposition and optical properties of highly oriented gamma-CuI thin films.Electrochimica Acta2010, 55, (27), 8121-8125.
5.Shi, X.; Liu, R*.; Xu, Z., Electrodeposition of CeF3 and CeF3:Tb Films by Electrochemical Generated Acid.Electrochemical and Solid State Letters2010, 13, (6), D43-D46.
6.Han, X.; Liu, R*.; Xu, Z., Structural and optical properties of rock-salt Cd1-xZnxO thin films prepared by thermal decomposition ofelectrodeposited Cd1-xZnxO2. Thin Solid Films2009, 517, (19), 5653-5657.
7.Li, H.; Liu, R*.; Kang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Xu, Z., Growth and characterization of highly oriented CuBr thin films throughroom temperature electrochemical route. Electrochimica Acta2008, 54, (2), 242-246.
8.Han, X.; Liu, R*.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z., Properties of nanocrystalline zinc oxide thin films prepared by thermal decomposition of electrodeposited zinc peroxide. Thin Solid Films2008, 516, (12), 4025-4029.
9.Li, H.; Liu, R*.; Zhao, R.; Zheng, Y.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z., Morphology control of electrodeposited Cu2O crystals in aqueous solutions using room temperature hydrophilic ionic liquids. Crystal Growth & Design2006, 6, (12), 2795-2798.
10.Han, X.; Liu, R*.; Xu, Z.; Chen, W.; Zheng, Y., Room temperature deposition of nanocrystalline cadmium peroxide thin film by electrochemical route. Electrochemistry Communications2005, 7, (12), 1195-1198.
11.Oba, F.; Ernst, F.; Yu, Y.; Liu, R.; Kothari, M.; Switzer, J., Epitaxial growth of cuprous oxide electrodeposited onto semiconductor and metal substrates. Journal of the American Ceramic Society2005, 88, (2), 253-270.
12.Liu, R.; Kulp, E.; Oba, F.; Bohannan, E.; Ernst, F.; Switzer, J., Epitaxial electrodeposition of high-aspect-ratio Cu2O(110) nanostructures on InP(111). Chemistry of Materials2005, 17, (4), 725-729.
13.Liu, R.; Bohannan, E.; Switzer, J.; Oba, F.; Ernst, F., Epitaxial electrodeposition of Cu2O films onto InP(001).Applied Physics Letters2003, 83, (10), 1944-1946.
14.Liu, R.; Oba, F.; Bohannan, E.; Ernst, F.; Switzer, J., Shape control in epitaxial electrodeposition: Cu2O nanocubes on InP(001).Chemistry of Materials2003, 15, (26), 4882-4885.
15.Switzer, J.; Liu, R.; Bohannan, E.; Ernst, F., Epitaxil electrodeposition of a crystalline metal oxide onto single-crystalline silicon.Journal of Physical Chemistry B2002, 106, (48), 12369-12372.
16.Liu, R.; Vertegel, A.; Bohannan, E.; Sorenson, T.; Switzer, J., Epitaxial electrodeposition of zinc oxide nanopillars on single-crystal old. Chemistry of Materials2001, 13, (2), 508-512.
1.刘润,徐铸德,王辉,陈科立,采用电沉积制备氟化钙或稀土掺杂氟化钙薄膜的方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010188743.8
2.刘润,王辉,陈科立,徐铸德,采用电沉积制备氟化锶或稀土掺杂氟化锶薄膜的方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010220120.4
3.刘润,徐铸德,陈科立,王辉,一种均匀致密碘化亚铜半导体薄膜的电化学制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010188752.7
4.刘润,徐铸德,陈科立,康红蓝,一种室温下合成高温相碘化亚铜的电化学制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010188755.0
5.刘润,徐铸德,陈科立,王辉,一种电沉积碘化银半导体薄膜的电化学制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 201010188759.9
6.薛斌,徐铸德,刘润,一种中空二氧化钛纳米球的制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 200910098714.X
7.薛斌,徐铸德,刘润,一种高比例竹节状碳纳米管的制备方法,授权专利号:ZL 200910098511.0
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