

作者:聚创厦大考研网-小厦老师 点击量:768 2018-09-04


  2007.10-至今   厦门大学材料学院材料科学与工程系 副教授
  2005.4-2007.9  上海交通大学船建学院工程力学系   副教授
  2011.11-至今 福建省力学学会理事
  2003.9-2005.1  日本神户大学海事科学部                博士后
  1998.9-2003.5  上海交通大学固体力学专业新材料力学性能博士学位
  1994.9-1998.6  浙江大学工程力学系工程力学           学士学位
  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“多畴铁电薄膜畴结构与铁电性能的相场法研究”,58万, 负责人
  2. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:“PZT铁电薄膜相结构与相图的相场法研究”,4万,2011.4-2014.4  负责人
  3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目:“电致伸缩聚合物薄膜与电极结构的有限变形研究”,22万,2009.1-2011.12  负责人
  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“梁板壳动力分析的稳定子域积分高效无网格法研究”,34万,2010.1-2012.12  主要参与人
  5. 厦门市科技项目:“下颌67缺失三基牙双端固定桥修复的三维有限元分析”,2.4万,2009.7-2011.3  第一合作单位负责人
  1. Zhou Z.D.*, Yang F.P. Plane waves in pyroelectrics with viscous effect, “Acta Mechanica”, 2013, online, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00707-013-0962-7
  2. Zhou Z.D.*, Fu Z.P., Jiang Q. Buckling of a piezoelectric thin film bonded to compliant substrate, “Int. J. Appl. Electromagetics Mech.”, 2013, 42, 55-61
  3.Zhou Z.D*, Yang F.P., Kuang Z.B., Reflection and transmission of plane waves at the interface of pyroelectric bi-materials, “Journal of Sound and Vibration” 2012, 331, 3558-3566
  4.周志东*,张春祖,蒋泉,单畴外延铁电薄膜的相结构与稳定,“固体力学学报”,2012,33 (3), 258-264
  5.付志鹏,蒋泉,周志东*. 压电效应对软基体上压电薄膜局部和整体屈服的影响,“厦门大学学报”,2012,51(5) 824-828.
  6.Zhou Z.D.*, Zhang C.Z., Jiang Q., Effect of electromechanical boundary conditions on the properties of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films, “Chinese Physics B”, 2011, 20 (10), 107701.
  7.魏海娥,蒋泉*,周志东. 电致伸缩材料非线性力学计算中的几个问题. “南通大学学报”,2011,10(3),46-52.
  8.柳听前,林啸,周志东*,程璇,张颖, (1-x)PZT-x(0.2PFN-0.2PZN-0.6PNN)铁电陶瓷的微结构和性能,“功能材料”,2011,42(7),1219-1221+1226.
  9.Zhou Z.D.*, Yang F.J., Liu T.Q., Zhang Y., Jiang Q., Zhang C.Z., Constitutive relation of electric fatigue on the ferroelectric ceramics, “Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications”, 2010, 95-99
  11.Zhang C. Z., Zhou Z. D.*, Zhang Y., Thickness dependence of phase transition temperature of epitaxial ferroelectric films, “Joint Conference of the 2009 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications”, 2009, 144-147.
  12.Yang F. J., Cheng X., Zhou Z. D., Zhang Y.*, An analysis of domain reorientation in PLZT ceramics by In-Situ Raman spectroscopy, “J. Appl. Phys.”, 2009, 106, 114115.
  13.袁晓光,周志东,匡震邦*,求解含钝裂纹应力场的扩展单元法,“力学季刊”,2008,29 (3),356-364.
  14.周志东,赵社戌,匡震邦*,双压电材料中广义位错与界面刚性线夹杂的交互作用,“固体力学学报”,2008,29 (3),223-230.
  15.Zhou Z.D.*, Nishioka T., Kuang Z. B., A generalized screw dislocation in a piezoelectric trimaterial body, “Int. J. Appl. Electromagetics Mech.”, 2007, 26 (1-2), 21-36.
  16.Nishioka T.*, Zhou Z. D., Yu J. H., Analysis of in-plane transonically propagating interface crack with a finite contact zone, “Int. J. Fracture”, 2006, 142, 241-254.
  17.Zhou K.L., Zhou Z.D., Kuang Z.B.*. Surface electrode problem in piezoelectric materials. “Advanced Materials Research” , 2005, V9(September):191-198.
  18.Zhou Z. D., Nishioka T.*, Asymptotic analysis for steady growth mode III crack in a piezoelectric sandwich composite, “Int. J. Appl. Electromagetics Mech.”, 2005, 22 (3-4), 121-132.
  19.Zhou Z. D., Zhao S. X., Kuang Z. B.*, Stress and electric displacement analyses in piezoelectric media with an elliptic hole and a small crack, “Int. J. Solids Struct”., 2005, 42 (9-10), 2803-2822.
  20.Kuang Z.B.*, Zhou Z.D. Zhou K.L. Electroelastic analysis of a piezoelectric half-plane with finitesurface electrodes. “Int. J. of Engineering Science” 2004, 42: 1603-1615.
  21.周志东,赵社戌,匡震邦*。铁电陶瓷宏观单轴力电行为的双面模型,“力学学报”,2004, 36(6);688-694.
  22.周志东,赵社戌,匡震邦*。任意点载荷下含椭圆孔压电介质中广义应力和位移分析,“上海交通大学学报”,2004, 38(8);1403-1407.
  23.Kuang Z.B.*, Zhou Z.D., Chen Y., Zhao S.X. Eigen-material constants, mode and failure criterion for piezoelectric media. “Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics”. 2003, 18 (4), 235-250.
  24. Zhao, S.X.*, Zhou Z.D., Kuang Z.B. Continuous modeling for transient and steady cyclic hardening/softening behavior of metallic materials under amplitude change loading. “Key Engineering Materials” 2003, 243-2: 427-432.
  25. Zhou Z.D., Zhao S.X., Kuang Z.B.* An integral elasto-plastic constitutive theory, “International Journal of Plasticity” Volume 19, Issue 9 , September 2003 ; 1377-1400.

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